Please carefully read this page before registering for any courses. Your completed registration indicates that you have read and agree to the information presented here.

  • Live Fundamentals and Foundations courses are taught on Tuesdays on Zoom, and on Wednesdays in Ringwood, NJ. The content for the online and in-person courses is the same. Please check course description pages for specific dates and times.
  • Writing for a Lifetime (ages 15+ – 18+) meets on Tuesdays on Zoom only. Please check the course description page for specific dates and times.
  • Fundamentals and Foundations courses are divided into two 12-week semesters.
  • Writing for Lifetime courses are divided into two 10-week semesters with an optional 1-hour private tutoring/consultation session at the end of each semester. Private tutoring must be scheduled within two weeks of the last class to be included in the class fee.
  • Live courses are academic in nature. Please allow approximately 30 minutes per non-class school day for writing homework. Writing for a Lifetime students may require more time to complete independent learning tasks.
  • Fundamentals and Foundations students will receive a complete activity packet at the beginning of each semester. Online students will receive their packets in the mail. In-person students will receive their packets on the first day of class. Additional worksheets may occasionally be added during the semester, but the packets will greatly improve student access to required materials.
  • All online students will require a strong internet connection, a reliable device that can clearly stream audio and video for live classes, and access to Google Classroom. Please prepare a quiet place in your home for class day so that your child is comfortable turning on his or her microphone to participate.
  • Registration in a live course is a commitment to the student, the instructor, and the class community. Regular attendance is expected and required.
  • If an absence is necessary, students will be sent lesson information and assignments AFTER the class session in most cases. If students anticipate a conflict, I will do my best to provide the work ahead of time. However, I cannot guarantee that the work will be delivered in advance.
  • Absent students are required to turn in assignments on the due date. If a student is sick, special arrangements will be made.
  • If your child is sick on an in-person class day, please keep him or her at home.
  • Please be prompt and prepared for class whether you are arriving at my home or logging onto Zoom. Everyone in the class community benefits from the other members’ attendance, promptness, and readiness. Plan to arrive 5 minutes before the start of the session.
  • In-person classes will meet on Zoom on inclement weather days in order to maintain continuity.
  • If I have to cancel a class due to my own or family illness, the class session will be made up in December for the fall semester and in April for the winter semester. Please leave room in your calendar for a possible make-up day.
  • Refunds are given up to four weeks prior to the start of the semester, minus a $40 processing fee. After courses begin, refunds are given for medical reasons only.
  • Please make sure that you have read and accepted these policies before enrolling in any Live Courses. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at or through my contact form.